Monday, October 22, 2012

Looper/Taken 2 reviews

So sorry for the delay, had technical difficulties and a lot of stuff to do. I am about to get back on track from here on out. Seeing as how I go see films that I want to see, the next reviews will be Sinister, Argo, and Seven Psychopaths.

But for now here are 2 films:


Length: 1 hr. 58 min.
Genre: Action/Suspense/Sci Fi

Joeseph Gordon-Levitt
Bruce Willis
Emily Blunt
Paul Bano
Jeff Daniels

Grade: A
Would I buy: Yes


Looper is a film set in the future about time travel being invented. It will be illegal and only available to mobsters and those wishing to eliminate a person by sending them to the present (still in the future in our case though) to kill them and therefore they never existed. Joe (Levitt) who is a Looper, is taught to never let his target escape, even if the target is himself. This is referred to as "closing your loop". However after letting his future self go (Willis) he is then tracked by the agency in charge of the Loopers and is on a quest for time to save himself!

To say the film was well acted would be an extreme understatement. Every single character in this film did an amazing job. The make up for Levitt to look like a young Willis was spectacular, and the kid in this movie did awesome. In sci fi films there's always that one person who seems to just not have any acting abilities, but in this film all were on point.

What I truly loved about the film though, was it's ability to bring a unique idea to the table without getting too complicated. The film was easy to follow and really made you care and root for the protagonist and the way it slowly portrayed the antagonist was well done. It had great action sequences but blended in enough story telling to make it worth while, and the climax of this film was well done on all levels. I wish Hollywood would keep making films like these that bring new ideas, great performances, and great action scenes.

Go see this film before it gets removed out of theaters! You should enjoy it!

Taken 2 review

Length: 1 hr. 31 min.
Genre: Action/Suspense

Liam Neeson
Maggie Grace
Famke Janssen

Would I Buy: No

Review: *Spoiler Alert

Taken 2 is about Bryan Mills (Neeson) who is now a retired CIA operative who is adjusting to his life and remaining close to his daughter (Grace) who he saved in the first film. When domestic issues drive Bryan's wife Lenore (Janssen) and her love interest to split, Bryan offers them on a 3 day get away to Instabul where he has some work to do. Little does he know that the father and family of the men whom he brutally killed in the first film look to seek revenge on him and his family for the grief they have caused!

With so much anticipation I had built up in my stomach about seeing Liam Neeson beat up and kill more people, I also had a sense of realism in expecting this movie to not please me.... and boy was I right? Before getting to specific let me start of by saying, take a gander at the length please. Ninety one minute running time...yeah I'm mad too. What's even worse to say is that for the first 30 minutes he's either flapping his chops or chained up! Then out of nowhere and few directions from pops his daughter turns into a ballsy little 18 year old with the driving skills of Earnhardt Jr. and arm of Andy Pettite! What a transformation!

Let's get specific about another issue, the part of the film that really pissed me off is when they leave his wife to die by leaving a cut on her neck, and telling the man of all men that he has 30 minutes to watch her die, and then they leave him alone?? I'm sorry sir, but if you're telling me that leaving a man who is apparently tied up with some plastic zip lines on his hands and who is known for slaughtering at least 30 people you know was a good idea, then you are an idiot. His escape took a good 4 minutes and then you wonder how this happened? I'm kind of confused. Also, the same guy who spoke all big and bad in the beginning stating he would "have his revenge", turns into the biggest coward in the end by hiding while Neeson is looking for you? Ballsy, my man, just ballsy.

Also as far as the action scenes, they were just crap. Half of the time you can't see who's hitting who! And in the end, did the grip of Neeson's hand on the guys face just kill him? He must work out.

This film was nothing more than trying to make some cash, if there is a third one I will not be seeing it. Skip this movie unless you're like me and just want to see the 2nd one. Otherwise wait for redbox. End rant.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

End of Watch Review

End of Watch

Length: 1 hr. 49 min.
Genre: Action/ Cop Drama

Michael Pena
Jake Gyllenhaall
Anna Kendrink
Cody Horn
America Ferrera

Grade: A-
Would I Buy: No


Director David Ayer, provides us with what has become his forte, a fresh cop drama. Ayer has provided a few hits, and is most popularly known for Training Day. This film does has it's simularities to Training Day, but is also diverse in plot and directional style to not need comparison. However, both films are very solid. This film is about two officers Taylor and Zavala (Gyllenhaal and Pena) who have been having success while they are reassigned to a new section on their watch shifts. They are making a lot of good busts and really contributing to the force. However, after one particular bust an arrogant Officer Taylor persuades Officer Zavala to search more in depth into a situation that will ultimately change their lives forever.

First of all, before I begin giving my review I want to issue a warning. This IS NOT a film for young people. What I mean is don't bring your little brothers, sisters, kids, or anything of the sort to see End of Watch; it's rated R for a reason. Besides Casino and a few other films that have Robert DeNiro or Joe Pesci in them this film probably had the most f bombs and other language that I've heard in the entirety of its screen time. It's not that it really bothered me, but there were definitely times it was just unnecessary to say it that much. Also, End of Watch has very gruesome images and is definitely aimed for a mature audience with some of the situations these officers encounter, and I will leave it at that. On to my review!

The acting in this movie was superb, and it was really lifted by the amazing chemistry that Gyllenhaal and Pena had together. If I had to guess, half of their dialogue while riding in the police car was probably ad libbed, it was really something to watch the guys work together. It was honestly like they've been partners for years. The script was written perfectly to build their relationship and to show how comfortable they were with working together, not only as friends, but in life or death situations. Also, while we're talking about the script, certain parts of End of Watch were hilarious. The chemistry they had led to really funny stories that made you honestly feel like you were laughing with them, it was awesome.

The plot and objectives in this film were solid, and I was very pleased with the pacing. I felt that everything flowed right a long together, with the amount of time the film spent. The action was great to watch as well, and the climax of the film will literally leave you on the edge of your seat; it was just intense. There really wasn't much to dislike about the film, except the unreal amount of swearing.

I definitely recommend you to see this film,but like I said earlier, I am saying that to older people who are mature enough to handle what they are watching. Kids should not be anywhere in the theater! The only reason I won't buy it is, although I loved the film, it's just not something I could see me recommending to everyone when I have people over or something that while I'm just chilling that I would be dying to watch. It was a great one time view for sure.

Definitely worth the cost of admission!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lawless review


Length: 1 hr. 55 min.
Genre: Drama/Action

Tom Hardy
Shia LaBeouf
Guy Pearce
Gary Oldman
Jason Clarke
Jessica Chastain

Grade: B+
Would I Buy: Yes


Lawless is the true story of the three Bondurant brothers(LaBeouf, Hardy, Clarke) spat in the face of the Prohibition by bootlegging alcohol into their small Virginian town. However with crime wave on high, what starts out as bootlegging takes a violent turn whenever a crooked and demented detective from New York (Pearce) comes in to stop the illegal action the Bondurant brothers are apart of with impure and violent motives of his own.

Right off the bat what you will see in this film is that Tom Hardy, is indeed, a B.A. which I think we already knew am I right? Not only is he a powerhouse physically, but the man can also act, and act well which is the strength of this film. Maybe not HIS acting in general because honestly, he is a man a few words in this film, however the true hats off performances in my opinion go to LaBeouf and Pearce. They nailed their characters to a T. Although I hated their characters actions in the film, the acting was simply put, phenomenal. This film succesfully makes you root for the Bondurant brothers although you know the whole time what they are doing is highly illegal. It paints the picture to show that, but their motives are shown to not be all that bad, just trying to make some cash. From the second that Pearce shows up on screen, you immediately hate his character, and in the climax of this film he just delivers.

This film is gritty ladies and gentleman, let there be no mistake about that! It is very violent, bloody, and everything I like in a movie so I had no problem with that at all. However in the midst of all this blood that is shown it really did have some good humor. Now one gripe I can see of people saying about this film is at times, it could be "boring". But this film isn't supposed to be a shoot em up piece, it is telling a TRUE story. Keep an open mind about that while you are watching it, and you will really enjoy it.

My only gripe about Lawless was the pacing of it. I felt that a few scenes in it were kind of unneccesary to the overall story, and I felt like it went up and down too much. I enjoy slow moments to build up to big ones later, but the pacing was just off...I think you'll be able to see what I'm saying whenever you watch it.

Overall I thought it was really a great film and I will definitely buy it. It's a beautifully shot film as well! Go see it!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Expendables 2

The Expendables 2

Length: 1 hr. 42 min.
Genre: Action

Sylvestor Stallone
Jason Statham
Dolph Lundgreen
Terry Crews
Randy Couture
Jean Claude Van-Damme
Arnold Schwarzenneger
Jet Li
And yes for 5 minutes Chuck Norris

Grade: B-

Would I Buy: No


So its pretty easy to say that the first Expendables was a HUGE letdown, to me at least. I mean what was set up perfectly to be a guys guy film had a horrible plot and even let down in action. Now what I can say here is that there is at least an improvement in both areas of that on the second installment.

The Expendable's 2 is about the same group of guys from the first with the absence of Jet Li after the first scene which really pissed me off, going to accomplish a simple task set up by Mr. Church (Willis). All the group had to do was make a simple run to an abandoned plane carrying a case that contained detailed information on where explosives are mined deep underground. The purpose of the mission was that the information was to be kept out of the wrong hands and was to be brought home safely. However after another group of men led by Jean Villian (Van Damme) kill one of the expendables men and take the case from them, the group of mercenaries have a person vendetta again Villian and all of his men who committed this horrible murder against one of theirs and stop Villian and his group before havoc wreaks!

Like I said in the intro, this film offered much improvements in the areas of action and plot. While the plot still is something that a 6th grader could have came up with, it is undeniably better than the first one's, and it allows a wider range of possible plot points. Also, by saying that the action is improved, this does not mean that the first one lacked any AT ALL, what I'm simply saying is that in this film there is less down time in between the heavy artillery shells and knife throws. The length of the film is used to lead into the next scene of action, and I must say the final act of this movie was a nice touch.

My biggest gripe about this movie is to be expected whenever Sly and Arnie boy are in a movie together and that is the script. I just feel like most of the characters in this movie force their lines instead of them feeling natural. Sly and Arnie are both known for their horrible one liners and in this film they are abundant. Even Statham has one or two! Since when does he sound like a choch? "I now pronounce you man and knife"? Wow. There was a few moments in the film where they threw obvious throwbacks on each others movies which I didn't find funny at all. The only time I laughed in this film (besides from how sick some of the action was) was a scene involving Chuck Norris and that's all I will say. Overall I would say go see it, but only for the action which is expected. I would give the first one a grade of a C and this one a B- so there is improvement!

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises movie review

The Dark Knight Rises- 2012

Length: 2 hr. 44 min.
Genre: Action/Superhero/Drama

Cast: I
Christian Bale
Tom Hardy
Joeseph Gordon-Levitt
Anne Hathaway
Michael Cain
Marion Cotillard
Morgan Freeman
Gary Oldman

Grade: B+

Would I buy: Yes

*This review will be lengthy


First of all, before I go any further I would like to apologize for the wait and how long it has taken this one to come out. I saw this film on the first week it was out, but certain events have delayed me being able to write down how I felt about it, but here it is!

The Dark Knight Rises takes place 8 years after the events of The Dark Knight, which as we all know was the fall of Harvey Dent, or two-face. Gotham is still recovering from what happened during that time and as we also all know the Dark Knight went into hiding after taking the fall for the fall of Harvey Dent which covered a truth Detective Gordon knew of. Now a new villain, Bane, arrives into Gotham to bring chaos to it and fulfill the destiny of Rhas-Al-Ghoul, the leader of the Dark Shadows that Bruce Wayne used to be apart of. A deeper plan unfolds in the process, and the fall of Bruce Wayne and Wayne enterprises ensues and with the presence of this huge physical specimen, the Dark Knight must rise once again to stop destruction from happening to a city he loves.


As shown above this review will probably be my longest yet, because I've had a lot of time to think about how I felt and this is what I've come up with. Let's start off with the acting. The acting in this film on all accounts was superb. Tom Hardy, played a menacing Bane, and truly frightened you due to his plan and his size. A lot of people are comparing the Joker and Bane and saying that the Joker was the better villain, but the whole problem with that is they are two COMPLETELY different villains with two COMPLETELY different styles. The Joker was a verbal threat with a plan correct? He wasn't physically a challenge to Batman, but his intentions and precise plans were. He had to talk, he had to be crazy, to show just how much he meant what he was going to do. His whole purpose was to make Batman break his one rule, and kill someone, be an executioner. Bane did not have to talk to make his presence felt. Look at the man, would you want to fight someone like that? His plan actually worked! For half of the film  plus some, he won! He caused complete destruction to Gotham city and completely changed it forever. He was not meant to go crazy, he knew exactly what he had to do, and he did it. That simple. Anne Hathaway did a great job as Selina Kyle, and she really made her presence felt when she walked on the screen. She had a great mix of emotion, and really made you question exactly who she was going to be next.

Another positive was that I felt the plot was very well thought out, and was completely unpredictable. I really didn't see what happened in the end coming until like three minutes before it happened, and then I got curious. However, I thought the way they tied everything in was amazing, and it really kept you compelled to keep watching.


Although I really enjoyed the film I felt that it was heavily flawed, and when a four year wait occurs I expect there to be less of me stuck up, I just don't care at this point. One of the main things I did not like about the film was that the title is The Dark Knight RISES, and we see him rise for like 20 minutes in a 2 hour and 44 minute film. You mean to tell me, that in that amount of time you only felt that it was necessary to show Batman in action RISING three times?! Seriously, I think you saw him in his batsuit three times. I understand you wanted to have plenty of story, but why not break it off into two different parts if you felt that it would be that much of a problem? Cause in the long run I'll take Batman and Bane fights over watching a jury system tell people to walk ice for 15 minutes. C'mon man!

Also the scene's where Bruce Wayne decides to make the climb and falls unsuccessfully twice was crap to me to be honest. According to the doctor in the prison, people have DIED from that fall that he made twice...let me reiterate that they DIED. However, Bruce Wayne makes a 100 foot drop twice with a rope wrapped around his stomach and spine and comes out okay. I'm sorry sir, if you did survive that you are not paralyzed from the waist down. No more walking for you.

I also felt that it just took too much time to get where it wanted to be. I honestly got tired of watching him in the prison, I mean I understand the point of it, but again, break it off into two films then! I'm watching destruction occur and Bruce Wayne doing pushups and situps for like 15 minutes; it just didn't flow well at all.

I thought the film was very good, don't get me wrong, however I felt that it could have been way more epic. If you're about to wrap up the one of the greatest trilogies of our time, I want to be wowed when I leave. This film did not have that affect on me, no matter how much I wanted to. I just couldn't buy into all of the hype. It had it's good, it had it's bad, but overall I thought it was a good watch. I'll buy it to own the trilogy! Go see it if you haven't!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Savages movie review


Length: 2 hr. 9 min.
Genre: Thriller/Suspense

Blake Lively
Benicio Del Toro
Taylor Kitsch
Aaron Johnson
Salma Hayek
John Travolta
Emile Hirche

Grade: A-

Would I buy: Yes


Savages is about two guys Ben and John (Johnson and Kitsch) who live in Laguna Beach with their shared girlfriend O (Lively) where they are known internationally for growing the best cannabis in the world. Everything appears as though they are on top of the world until some mexican cartel partners want to combine with Ben and John's business and receive a percentage of the profits earned, while learning how to grow what Ben and John are so well known for. After "non personally" denying the offer made by the cartel and getting caught in a web of lies the Cartel led by a mean Elena (Hayek) takes O as a hostage until Ben and John are willing to comply. Ben and John will stop at nothing to get their girlfriend back, which leads to a story of violence, deceit, and ultimately betrayal.

After being a fan of many of Oliver Stone's film and watching what he has put out lately, I was ready to see him get back to what he does best, violence. In this film that is exactly what he came to do. The acting in this film was phenomenal on almost all accounts; the only performance I was on the fence with was Taylor Kitsch who plays John, an ex military officer. I understand that his purpose was to be try and unemotional but there were times were I thought he could have done so much more, it wasn't bad, just not great. The standout performance in this movie to me was Benicio Del Toro; this man can act! He really stole the scene in every one he was in, and played a very menacing character. John Travolta also did great as the DEA kind of playing for both sides. Every character in this movie was forced to have many different dimensions due to the situation at hand which was always a pleasure to watch. Everyone had a clear objective and to me, they completed what they set out to do.

The plot to me was actually very interesting and I thought that the cinematography was a nice touch as well. The action scenes were done very well and it definitely pulled you in whenever stuff started hitting the fan. The story compelled you to root for the two main guys on their pursuit to O because the antagonists were just too cruel not to hate. Every scene made you raise more questions about what was going on while the script made it easy to follow for the most part. The scene that really stuck out to me was the scene between Del Toro and Travolta, I don't know why I just felt that it really pulled me in to open up to who's who.

As far as the ending it is something that you have definitely seen before but I thought it was done well. It is a kind of cheap way to do it, but at the same time you will probably like it, if you liked the characters in the movie that is. Overall I thought the movie was great, I will definitely buy it, this is a movie I recommend to everyone over the age of like 17.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ted movie review


Length: 1 hr. 46 min.
Genre: Comedy

Mark Wahlberg
Mila Kunis
Seth MacFarlane
Giovanni Ribisi
Joel McHale

Grade: B

Would I Buy: No


First time big screen director Seth Macfarlane (famous for his work on Family Guy) is also the voice of Ted, a teddy bear wished to life to befriend a young boy who has no friends. The only problem about this friendship is that it transcends all the way into the adult like of John Bennett (Wahlberg) and the long term relationship he has with his girlfriend Lori Collins (Kunis). John Bennett has to decide whether he's willing to grow up into the man Lori wants him to be, or continue the fun although immature and childish friendship he has with his teddy bear, Ted.

This film really surprised me in both negative and positive ways. The positives about this film were that it had a very interesting premise, I mean what isn't funny about a teddy bear cussing and saying all of the things he says? There were so many times that the things that came out his mouth were just so outrageous and crude that it was just too funny not to laugh at. However, there were also some themes that the film relied to heavily on. I won't do any spoilers but there is one theme (which causes the main dilemma in the film) that I felt they just talked about and played on too much. Also, the film just had a side plot that could have been hilarious but it was just weird. Basically what I'm saying is, the film was just very inconsistent. You had two jokes really hit hard, and then the next two just weren't very effective. 

I thought the performances were as good as they could have been, but it the script didn't really call for anything above and beyond. The movie had some great points and then it had mediocre points as well, and it relied on some of the same jokes many times. I thought it was pretty funny and definitely worth the cost of admission but I wouldn't buy it because if you watch Family Guy, or have seen the Hangover (as far as the crudity and language) then it's nothing too special as far as jokes are concerned.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Review

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man- 2012

Length: 2 hr. 17 min
Genre: Action/Superhero

Andrew Garfield
Emma Stone
Dennis Leary
Rhys Ifans
Martin Sheen

Grade: B+

Would I buy: No


In this reboot of the 2002 box office smash Spiderman comes a new vantage point on a familiar story with an entirely new cast. For the few who don't know of the story, it basically is about an outsider, Peter Parker (Garfield), who lost his parents at a very young age and lives with his aunt and uncle. One day whilst wandering off in a science lab his bitten by a radioactive spider and is then transformed into a hero. Set out to find the truth about his parents and seek justice for those who are helpless and are put in harms way, Peter uncovers a startling truth that leads him to the fight of his life to fight with one of his main comic book nemesis, "The Lizard". 

Before I get too critical I must say that I was very impressed with Andrew Garfield's performance as Peter Parker. He did a fantastic job portraying the emotions that Peter probably felt as well as providing a lot of comic relief to the story when it was needed. I have been a fan of him since I saw his performance in The Social Network, so I was very excited to see what he could do here, and he delivers. Emma Stone is always on point and she continued her streak in this film, and Rhys Ifans is slowing working up my ladder on favorite actors because I love every character he plays in every film he's in. Martin Sheen even gave a good performance, so that's when you know its the goods.

There are a lot of mixed reviews about this film and I think the majority of them are strictly based off the fact that this reboot takes place at a very unneeded time, which I do agree with. There just wasn't a big enough gap from Spider-man 3 to now, to make us wonder if someone could do it better, however that's just my opinion. However,  as a whole I must say I do think they did it a little better in most categories. One of the main things I felt that was missing though was the menacing presence of the villain. What I mean is, in the original Spider-man you knew that the goblin was just up to no good and simply wished to wreak havoc upon everyone. In this film, at some points it's almost as if you felt sorry for the Lizard's character, even when he was destroying everyone. I feel that this is also at fault on the script for poor pacing. I mean the first hour and 20 minutes you are watching all of this backstory of Peter Parker and then it immediately switches and says, here's the villain, someone needs to stop him, Spider-Man where are you? Even though I felt this way I must say the action scenes were much better in this film than the originals.

One thing MANY people will be pissed off about and that I completely understand is that the trailer sets this film up to answer a simple question, "What happened to Peter's parents?" I'm just going to tell you now so you can be warned you don't find out any good information. They basically made that seem like it was going to be the main point to clearly set up for a sequel. I mean we all knew it was coming, but really? Make us wonder the whole time to get nothing in return? Also there were MANY parts in the trailers that weren't in the movie. For example, the line "You want the truth about your parents Peter? Come and get it!" Yeah it wasn't in there. Cool. The one line that says come and fight me please I will show you what happened isn't in there. I've been lied to and I don't really appreciate it. Anyways this movie was worth the cost of admission and I will see the second one for sure. It is a good time and I recommend it for sure!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Promethius review

Promethius- 2012

Length: 2 hr. 4 min
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller

Michael Fassbender
Charlize Theron
Logan Marshall-Green
Guy Pearce
Idris Elba
Noomi Rapace

Grade: B-

Would I buy: No


As most of you know this film is, or is set up to be based on the trailer, a prequel to the classic 1979 horror Alien directed by Ridley Scott. This film is essentially about a team of explorers who follow mythology and want to find the origins of humanity, and are quite sure that they have found a planet with a life form on it. Needless to say, they get a little curious and decide to go check it out. However what they find is not at all what they wanted to find, and what they found as our beggining, as the tagline says, could be our end.

Let me first start off by saying that I have read many reviews about this film before and after watching it, and I disagree with all of them that state this film was boring and/or a film with a glorified trailer. While it does take a while to get started into the actual exploration and findings, once the intensity is started it does not stop. One thing to credit to this movie if anything is that it will definitely grab your attention and have you thinking about it way after the final frame. Do not listen to people saying otherwise, please. Also there are many reviews out there saying that this is NOT a prequel, and they could not be any more wrong. Without giving spoilers I just want to let everyone know that the planet that Promethius is set on and the one that Alien and Aliens is set on are different, however once you watch this film, especially the end, and if you remember anything about Alien you will definitely see how these are indeed related.

As I'm sure most of you have picked up on I am huge on acting in a movie. Every single character in this movie was phenomenal in my opinion. The true standouts to me were of course, Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba, and also Logan Marshall-Green. Every frame these characters were in just showed how truly great they are, and how dedicated they are to the roles they play.

Though this film was great it does not go without flaws. There was one scene that I will not describe in detail, however it was just horrifically unrealistic even for a sci fi movie. Surgery is all I will say. Also I just love how in movies being made today people who are supposed to be the smartest people in the world make dumber desicions than I would in certain situations. They make characters just stupid sometimes, and it really just aggravates me. Other than that I did enjoy this movie and I reccomend to see it in 3-D. It is worth the cost of the ticket and you will enjoy yourself!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman/ Promethius

I apologize for the delay on reviews but nonetheless here are 2 reviews!

Snow White and the Huntsman- 2012

Length: 2 hr. 7 min
Genre: Action/Adventure

Kristen Stewart
Chris Hemsworth
Charlize Theron
Sam Claffin

Grade: B

Would I buy: No


This version of the classic fairy tale story of Snow White definitely has a darker tone than any other version to date. This version is about an evil queen (played by an amazing Theron) who is adament about being the fairest of all people and ruling for all eternity without ever aging a bit. However, the problem lies whenever she finds out that the only one who is fairer than she is Snow White (Stewart). In an attempt to take her heart Snow White is able to escape into the wilderness after being locked away for years. Intent on finding her the evil queen acquires the skills of a widowed huntsman (Hemsworth) to track her down and bring her back. What starts off as a man hunt essentially becomes an alliance of trust between the two, however the queen will stop at nothing to get Snow Whites heart and reign forever.

There are many credits to be given to this film, primarily the acting by Charlize Theron as the evil queen, and also the ability of this movie to maintain a constant theme. From the second this movie starts you just feel the dark mood and sense of fear to be given to the queen which is something that many films fail to do. It legitimately made you fear what she would do next, and in all actuality made you sympathetic for Snow White. Now, to add on to the acting critique, contrary to what you may think Kristen Stewart actually didn't do bad as Snow White because honestly the script for Snow White definitely complimented Stewart's acting "abilities". Chris Hemsworth always does a great job in my opinion and he definitely fit the role of the huntsman.

My only gripe about the film was that I felt it was oddly paced. Although the mood stayed consistent, the script made it difficult sometimes to maintain the feeling of sympathy at certain points. There were at least two instances in the film where I thought they were trying to make you sympathetic about something you couldn't due to poor character developement. Also it was hard for me to choose which of the two men I wanted her to love because they both had redeeming qaulities in each, and I wish that it would have been clear cut who it was. Other than that I thought the movie was very good and I recommend it to everyone to at least give it a shot. It didn't blow me away, however I definitely thought it was about average.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Think Like A Man

Think Like a Man- 2012

Length: Approx. 2 hr. 2 min.
Genre: Comedy

Kevin Hart                                                                  Meagan Good
Michael Ealy                                                               Gabrielle Union
Jerry Ferrara                                                               Regina Hall
Romany Malco                                                            Taraji P. Henson
Terrence Jenkins                                                          Jennifer Lewis
Steve Harvey

Grade: B+

Would I buy: Yes


Based on Steve Harvey's book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" the story of this film intertwines the story of multiple friends experiencing the trials of dating. There are 6 main men in the story who fit many different stereotypes of men: the happily married, the divorced, the dreamer, the mother's boy, the slacker, and the player. For the opposite the opposite team there is the single mother, the superficial woman, the accustomed to hurt, and the woman who is tired of complacently. Once an airing of an interview with Steve Harvey is made public about his new book, women have the power of the man's mind at their fingertips while reading this book. This book gives women insight to the way men think, what they really mean, their desires, and ultimately what they expect. The book gives women tips and advice on how to make their relationships more effective and to sort out the right guys from the fakes. This makes for a hilarious movie that kicks off the summer in the right directions for all comedies to come!

As well all are well aware, Kevin Hart is a comedic genius and in this film he does not disappoint. However what was truly surprising about this film was that the supporting cast was very funny as well.  This made this film much more pleasurable knowing that it could stand on it's own two feet without the presence of Kevin Hart on the screen. The character development in this movie was spot on as well making it very easy to relate to the characters and want them to succeed. Every character had about as much screen time as needed to tell their story and I felt that the script was very well written for the most part. What was very refreshing about this movie was that it was actually a comedy. So many times now a days we are seeing films portrayed as comedies in the trailer only to find out that we really payed to see a drama with spurts of laughs. This film stuck to what it said it was going to do and delivered many laughs while making you feel for the characters too which is something not many films recently have pulled off!

As stated earlier I felt the acting and the script were great for the most part, however one thing I thought that could have been better was the fact that at many times all of the stories were experiencing the same problems at the same time. It truly was like the same dialogue being spoken four times in a row and it got a little repetitive at times hearing the women asking the same questions and the men having the same answers. As different as all of the problems were in the movie, I felt that maybe the success should have been divided more and that the problems could have been slightly more diverse. Every movie is pretty predictable to an extent (except for a few recently that we have seen like...Inception), but it wasn't just the end that was predictable in this movie it was the negativity of ALL of the relationships after you found out ONE was having a problem.

Other than that I had a great time and I felt like it was a great way to start the summer! I recommend everyone to go see this movie soon!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows-2012

Length: Approx. 1 hr. 53 min.
Genre: Comedy/Horror

Johnny Depp                                                                  Gulliver McGrath
Michelle Phiefer
Chloe Moretz
Helena Bonham Carter
Eva Green

Grade: C

Would I buy: No


Johnny Depp and Tim Burton together usually make a great combonation whenever it comes to works of cinema, however here the effort is for naught. Dark Shadows is about a man named Barnabas Collins (Depp) who practically owns the town of Collinsport in his hands due to the family business. He has everything he has ever wanted, money, power, and the love of his life. Unfortunately, this power attracts those with wicken intentions, one of those being a woman named Angelique (Green). After denying her confession of love Angelique is set upon making Barnabas pay for what he has donce, hence killing both of his parents and casting the love of his life under a spell to spiral into her doom. Barnabas' attempt to join his parents and his love are vanquished after he is put under a spell to be a vampire and is eternally doomed to a life of solitude until two centuries later he is found where he has to adjust to the new world and right what was done wrong to him!

The whole problem with this film to me was what plaques many films now a days, the trailer. The trailer for this film (in my eyes at least) seemed to give off a vibe that this film would be pretty funny. The whole problem here though is that the film seemed indecisive on which route it wanted to take. The tone of this film was very dark, and with a dark film such as this it is very difficult to strike a median of comedic elements while keeping the tone still dark and spooky. The dialoque was witty and funny at points but there were just no laugh out loud moments to be able to correctly label this film as funny.

As far as the acting is concerned, I thought it was firing on all cylinders. My only other gripe about this film was that the pacing seemed to be very off. The first 20 or so minutes of this film felt extremely rushed to me. An important concept in a film like this is wanting to feel for the main characters struggle and rooting for them, however here it was just hard to decide who Barnabas was at first. Later on in the film you develope a sense of wanting him to succeed, but it just took to long to decide.

A film of this genre isn't typically my cup of tea however this film did nothing to boost my opinion of it in anyway. I would say that it was a very average film that is honestly pretty forgetable. If you enjoy Johnny Depp's work then by all means go see this movie but do not expect to be blown away.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers movie review

The Avengers- 2012

Length: Approx. 2 hr. 12 min.
Genre: Action

Samuel L. Jackson                                                                      Scarlett Johanson
Chris Hemsworth                                                                        Jeremy Renner
Mark Ruffalo                                                                              Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.                                                                     Tom Hiddleston

Grade: A+

Would I buy: Absolutely


To sum up this film in one word I think the word I would choose is "chaos". From the moment this film starts until the second it finishes it is a mood of simply chaos, and I mean that in a positive light. The plot of this movie is basically that Loki (Hidleston) comes to Earth in an effort to obtain an energy source that will ultimately make him ruler of all worlds, and give him what he rightfully is owed and what was taken from him by his "brother" Thor, power. Once chaos ensues the Director of international peacekeeping, Nick Fury (Jackson), then goes on a search to assemble a team powerful enough to stop this corruption from ending our world as we know it. This team is called the Avengers.

Let me start by saying that any expectations I had about this movie prior to it's commencement were completely and utterly smashed (pun intended on the Hulk's behalf). This movie not only had some of the best action sequences in a movie that I have ever seen, but it also had me crying laughing at many points in the movie. The script of this movie was spot on and perfectly blended the contrasting characters with nothing in common but good in their hearts to work together to achieve one goal. Every hero in this movie was just as important as the next, all though in some cases I felt some were robbed of screen time. The acting was great, the plot was great, for a superhero movie that is, and the action sequences were phenomenal. Now as we all know Robert Downey Jr. has comedic timing on lock, however half of the funniest things in this movie were non verbal. There were so many parts of this movie where the crowd was in hysterics but not because something was said, just things that were done. I loved how the writers of this movie gave Captain America the reigns and allowed him to instruct because that is honestly true to the comics. However, of all the characters in this movie the true standout to me was Mark Ruffalo as the Bruce Banner/The Hulk; I mean the guy is just phenomenal. He had so many mannerisms that fit the character of the Hulk so well that when I think back on the Incredible Hulk (2007), I feel that these mannerisms definitely should have been implemented there as well. Mark Ruffalo has a tremendous track record already as far as works of cinema, and this film will definitely add to that stature. Not only were the scenes just awesome whenever Bruce turned into the Hulk, but at sometimes they were some of the funniest scenes of the movie as you work towards the end.

I really enjoyed Hawkeye's (Renner) and Black Widows (Johanson) chemistry as well. They really worked well together and made an awesome duo when the situation called for it. Overall this film was a perfect blend of everything you want to see in a movie. Of course, Samuel L. Jackson did amazing as Nick Fury because number one it's Samuel L. Jackson, and number two because Nick Fury is Samuel L. Jackson. That is his character. Unfortunately I did not stay after the credits and even if I would have I wouldn't have told you what I saw. Just go see the movie I promise you will not regret it.

*It is crucial that you see Thor in order to understand what is going on, so if you haven't seen that, well may God have mercy on you as you are watching this and not understanding why anything is happening.

Thor, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk (2007), Iron Man, and Iron Man 2.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods review

The Cabin in the Woods- 2012

Length: Approx. 1 hr.35 min.
Genre: Horror/Comedy

Chris Hemsworth (also played in Thor)
Kristen Connolly
Fran Kranz
Anna Hitchinson
Richard Jenkins (Robert from Step Brothers)

Grade: A

Would I buy? Yes


As my first review I chose to start off with the most recent film that I have seen at the theatres, which is The Cabin in the Woods. It starts off as a pretty generic horror movie with a cliched plot about five friends who decide to pack up their belongings and get away for a nice weekend of fun and relaxation at a remote cabin in the woods. As we all know from every horror film with this set up, bad things will ensue....

However, ten minutes in (without giving spoilers) you quickly find that things are not like every other horror film you've seen, and as indicated in the trailer, the bad things occurring are being controlled by people watching their every move. This sets up for a unique film to watch.

It is nearly impossible to review this film without giving away spoilers but I will do the best I can. The Cabin in the Woods simply takes everything that you have ever seen in in a film of this genre to this date and puts a new spin on it entirely. While I am not a huge fan of comedy being used in horror films, here it just works! The comedic elements seem to lighten the mood just enough that whenever the bad things begin it is quickly scary once again. This film in no way attempts to stick to the script of any typical formula that you have seen before, it actually becomes very apparent towards the last thirty minutes that it's intentions were to raise the bar even higher for horror films to come. The purpose of this film was to provide horror, originality, and humor all at the same time, and in every way it succeeds.

If you hated Cabin Fever (2002) as much as I did then you will love how much The Cabin in the Woods makes Cabin Fever look like a 2 a.m. straight to t.v. movie on sci-fi. It was truly nice to watch a horror film that truly scared you, while providing a whole new idea and executing it perfectly. This film has been truly underappreciated at the box office so I encourage all of you to see it immediately. Whether or not you will enjoy this movie is contigent upon the type of movie you thought you were going to see, and what it gives you. If you thought this was going to be a quick slasher movie where you leave your mind at the door, than do not go see this movie.

Suggestions if you enjoyed this movie:

Due to the fact that this film is so unique there is honestly no suggestion for it. Just see it.

Movie Reviews to come!

Hello, and thank you for visiting my movie review blog! I will do 2 reviews a week from movies that I have seen in theatres that week! I will give them a grade from A-F (I am a college student), and will also list suggestions for you if you enjoyed that movie! I have a passion for movies and would like to utilize my ability to write into something I love!