Monday, August 20, 2012

The Expendables 2

The Expendables 2

Length: 1 hr. 42 min.
Genre: Action

Sylvestor Stallone
Jason Statham
Dolph Lundgreen
Terry Crews
Randy Couture
Jean Claude Van-Damme
Arnold Schwarzenneger
Jet Li
And yes for 5 minutes Chuck Norris

Grade: B-

Would I Buy: No


So its pretty easy to say that the first Expendables was a HUGE letdown, to me at least. I mean what was set up perfectly to be a guys guy film had a horrible plot and even let down in action. Now what I can say here is that there is at least an improvement in both areas of that on the second installment.

The Expendable's 2 is about the same group of guys from the first with the absence of Jet Li after the first scene which really pissed me off, going to accomplish a simple task set up by Mr. Church (Willis). All the group had to do was make a simple run to an abandoned plane carrying a case that contained detailed information on where explosives are mined deep underground. The purpose of the mission was that the information was to be kept out of the wrong hands and was to be brought home safely. However after another group of men led by Jean Villian (Van Damme) kill one of the expendables men and take the case from them, the group of mercenaries have a person vendetta again Villian and all of his men who committed this horrible murder against one of theirs and stop Villian and his group before havoc wreaks!

Like I said in the intro, this film offered much improvements in the areas of action and plot. While the plot still is something that a 6th grader could have came up with, it is undeniably better than the first one's, and it allows a wider range of possible plot points. Also, by saying that the action is improved, this does not mean that the first one lacked any AT ALL, what I'm simply saying is that in this film there is less down time in between the heavy artillery shells and knife throws. The length of the film is used to lead into the next scene of action, and I must say the final act of this movie was a nice touch.

My biggest gripe about this movie is to be expected whenever Sly and Arnie boy are in a movie together and that is the script. I just feel like most of the characters in this movie force their lines instead of them feeling natural. Sly and Arnie are both known for their horrible one liners and in this film they are abundant. Even Statham has one or two! Since when does he sound like a choch? "I now pronounce you man and knife"? Wow. There was a few moments in the film where they threw obvious throwbacks on each others movies which I didn't find funny at all. The only time I laughed in this film (besides from how sick some of the action was) was a scene involving Chuck Norris and that's all I will say. Overall I would say go see it, but only for the action which is expected. I would give the first one a grade of a C and this one a B- so there is improvement!

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