Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lawless review


Length: 1 hr. 55 min.
Genre: Drama/Action

Tom Hardy
Shia LaBeouf
Guy Pearce
Gary Oldman
Jason Clarke
Jessica Chastain

Grade: B+
Would I Buy: Yes


Lawless is the true story of the three Bondurant brothers(LaBeouf, Hardy, Clarke) spat in the face of the Prohibition by bootlegging alcohol into their small Virginian town. However with crime wave on high, what starts out as bootlegging takes a violent turn whenever a crooked and demented detective from New York (Pearce) comes in to stop the illegal action the Bondurant brothers are apart of with impure and violent motives of his own.

Right off the bat what you will see in this film is that Tom Hardy, is indeed, a B.A. which I think we already knew am I right? Not only is he a powerhouse physically, but the man can also act, and act well which is the strength of this film. Maybe not HIS acting in general because honestly, he is a man a few words in this film, however the true hats off performances in my opinion go to LaBeouf and Pearce. They nailed their characters to a T. Although I hated their characters actions in the film, the acting was simply put, phenomenal. This film succesfully makes you root for the Bondurant brothers although you know the whole time what they are doing is highly illegal. It paints the picture to show that, but their motives are shown to not be all that bad, just trying to make some cash. From the second that Pearce shows up on screen, you immediately hate his character, and in the climax of this film he just delivers.

This film is gritty ladies and gentleman, let there be no mistake about that! It is very violent, bloody, and everything I like in a movie so I had no problem with that at all. However in the midst of all this blood that is shown it really did have some good humor. Now one gripe I can see of people saying about this film is at times, it could be "boring". But this film isn't supposed to be a shoot em up piece, it is telling a TRUE story. Keep an open mind about that while you are watching it, and you will really enjoy it.

My only gripe about Lawless was the pacing of it. I felt that a few scenes in it were kind of unneccesary to the overall story, and I felt like it went up and down too much. I enjoy slow moments to build up to big ones later, but the pacing was just off...I think you'll be able to see what I'm saying whenever you watch it.

Overall I thought it was really a great film and I will definitely buy it. It's a beautifully shot film as well! Go see it!

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