Sunday, September 23, 2012

End of Watch Review

End of Watch

Length: 1 hr. 49 min.
Genre: Action/ Cop Drama

Michael Pena
Jake Gyllenhaall
Anna Kendrink
Cody Horn
America Ferrera

Grade: A-
Would I Buy: No


Director David Ayer, provides us with what has become his forte, a fresh cop drama. Ayer has provided a few hits, and is most popularly known for Training Day. This film does has it's simularities to Training Day, but is also diverse in plot and directional style to not need comparison. However, both films are very solid. This film is about two officers Taylor and Zavala (Gyllenhaal and Pena) who have been having success while they are reassigned to a new section on their watch shifts. They are making a lot of good busts and really contributing to the force. However, after one particular bust an arrogant Officer Taylor persuades Officer Zavala to search more in depth into a situation that will ultimately change their lives forever.

First of all, before I begin giving my review I want to issue a warning. This IS NOT a film for young people. What I mean is don't bring your little brothers, sisters, kids, or anything of the sort to see End of Watch; it's rated R for a reason. Besides Casino and a few other films that have Robert DeNiro or Joe Pesci in them this film probably had the most f bombs and other language that I've heard in the entirety of its screen time. It's not that it really bothered me, but there were definitely times it was just unnecessary to say it that much. Also, End of Watch has very gruesome images and is definitely aimed for a mature audience with some of the situations these officers encounter, and I will leave it at that. On to my review!

The acting in this movie was superb, and it was really lifted by the amazing chemistry that Gyllenhaal and Pena had together. If I had to guess, half of their dialogue while riding in the police car was probably ad libbed, it was really something to watch the guys work together. It was honestly like they've been partners for years. The script was written perfectly to build their relationship and to show how comfortable they were with working together, not only as friends, but in life or death situations. Also, while we're talking about the script, certain parts of End of Watch were hilarious. The chemistry they had led to really funny stories that made you honestly feel like you were laughing with them, it was awesome.

The plot and objectives in this film were solid, and I was very pleased with the pacing. I felt that everything flowed right a long together, with the amount of time the film spent. The action was great to watch as well, and the climax of the film will literally leave you on the edge of your seat; it was just intense. There really wasn't much to dislike about the film, except the unreal amount of swearing.

I definitely recommend you to see this film,but like I said earlier, I am saying that to older people who are mature enough to handle what they are watching. Kids should not be anywhere in the theater! The only reason I won't buy it is, although I loved the film, it's just not something I could see me recommending to everyone when I have people over or something that while I'm just chilling that I would be dying to watch. It was a great one time view for sure.

Definitely worth the cost of admission!

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