Monday, October 22, 2012

Looper/Taken 2 reviews

So sorry for the delay, had technical difficulties and a lot of stuff to do. I am about to get back on track from here on out. Seeing as how I go see films that I want to see, the next reviews will be Sinister, Argo, and Seven Psychopaths.

But for now here are 2 films:


Length: 1 hr. 58 min.
Genre: Action/Suspense/Sci Fi

Joeseph Gordon-Levitt
Bruce Willis
Emily Blunt
Paul Bano
Jeff Daniels

Grade: A
Would I buy: Yes


Looper is a film set in the future about time travel being invented. It will be illegal and only available to mobsters and those wishing to eliminate a person by sending them to the present (still in the future in our case though) to kill them and therefore they never existed. Joe (Levitt) who is a Looper, is taught to never let his target escape, even if the target is himself. This is referred to as "closing your loop". However after letting his future self go (Willis) he is then tracked by the agency in charge of the Loopers and is on a quest for time to save himself!

To say the film was well acted would be an extreme understatement. Every single character in this film did an amazing job. The make up for Levitt to look like a young Willis was spectacular, and the kid in this movie did awesome. In sci fi films there's always that one person who seems to just not have any acting abilities, but in this film all were on point.

What I truly loved about the film though, was it's ability to bring a unique idea to the table without getting too complicated. The film was easy to follow and really made you care and root for the protagonist and the way it slowly portrayed the antagonist was well done. It had great action sequences but blended in enough story telling to make it worth while, and the climax of this film was well done on all levels. I wish Hollywood would keep making films like these that bring new ideas, great performances, and great action scenes.

Go see this film before it gets removed out of theaters! You should enjoy it!

Taken 2 review

Length: 1 hr. 31 min.
Genre: Action/Suspense

Liam Neeson
Maggie Grace
Famke Janssen

Would I Buy: No

Review: *Spoiler Alert

Taken 2 is about Bryan Mills (Neeson) who is now a retired CIA operative who is adjusting to his life and remaining close to his daughter (Grace) who he saved in the first film. When domestic issues drive Bryan's wife Lenore (Janssen) and her love interest to split, Bryan offers them on a 3 day get away to Instabul where he has some work to do. Little does he know that the father and family of the men whom he brutally killed in the first film look to seek revenge on him and his family for the grief they have caused!

With so much anticipation I had built up in my stomach about seeing Liam Neeson beat up and kill more people, I also had a sense of realism in expecting this movie to not please me.... and boy was I right? Before getting to specific let me start of by saying, take a gander at the length please. Ninety one minute running time...yeah I'm mad too. What's even worse to say is that for the first 30 minutes he's either flapping his chops or chained up! Then out of nowhere and few directions from pops his daughter turns into a ballsy little 18 year old with the driving skills of Earnhardt Jr. and arm of Andy Pettite! What a transformation!

Let's get specific about another issue, the part of the film that really pissed me off is when they leave his wife to die by leaving a cut on her neck, and telling the man of all men that he has 30 minutes to watch her die, and then they leave him alone?? I'm sorry sir, but if you're telling me that leaving a man who is apparently tied up with some plastic zip lines on his hands and who is known for slaughtering at least 30 people you know was a good idea, then you are an idiot. His escape took a good 4 minutes and then you wonder how this happened? I'm kind of confused. Also, the same guy who spoke all big and bad in the beginning stating he would "have his revenge", turns into the biggest coward in the end by hiding while Neeson is looking for you? Ballsy, my man, just ballsy.

Also as far as the action scenes, they were just crap. Half of the time you can't see who's hitting who! And in the end, did the grip of Neeson's hand on the guys face just kill him? He must work out.

This film was nothing more than trying to make some cash, if there is a third one I will not be seeing it. Skip this movie unless you're like me and just want to see the 2nd one. Otherwise wait for redbox. End rant.

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