Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ted movie review


Length: 1 hr. 46 min.
Genre: Comedy

Mark Wahlberg
Mila Kunis
Seth MacFarlane
Giovanni Ribisi
Joel McHale

Grade: B

Would I Buy: No


First time big screen director Seth Macfarlane (famous for his work on Family Guy) is also the voice of Ted, a teddy bear wished to life to befriend a young boy who has no friends. The only problem about this friendship is that it transcends all the way into the adult like of John Bennett (Wahlberg) and the long term relationship he has with his girlfriend Lori Collins (Kunis). John Bennett has to decide whether he's willing to grow up into the man Lori wants him to be, or continue the fun although immature and childish friendship he has with his teddy bear, Ted.

This film really surprised me in both negative and positive ways. The positives about this film were that it had a very interesting premise, I mean what isn't funny about a teddy bear cussing and saying all of the things he says? There were so many times that the things that came out his mouth were just so outrageous and crude that it was just too funny not to laugh at. However, there were also some themes that the film relied to heavily on. I won't do any spoilers but there is one theme (which causes the main dilemma in the film) that I felt they just talked about and played on too much. Also, the film just had a side plot that could have been hilarious but it was just weird. Basically what I'm saying is, the film was just very inconsistent. You had two jokes really hit hard, and then the next two just weren't very effective. 

I thought the performances were as good as they could have been, but it the script didn't really call for anything above and beyond. The movie had some great points and then it had mediocre points as well, and it relied on some of the same jokes many times. I thought it was pretty funny and definitely worth the cost of admission but I wouldn't buy it because if you watch Family Guy, or have seen the Hangover (as far as the crudity and language) then it's nothing too special as far as jokes are concerned.

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