Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers movie review

The Avengers- 2012

Length: Approx. 2 hr. 12 min.
Genre: Action

Samuel L. Jackson                                                                      Scarlett Johanson
Chris Hemsworth                                                                        Jeremy Renner
Mark Ruffalo                                                                              Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.                                                                     Tom Hiddleston

Grade: A+

Would I buy: Absolutely


To sum up this film in one word I think the word I would choose is "chaos". From the moment this film starts until the second it finishes it is a mood of simply chaos, and I mean that in a positive light. The plot of this movie is basically that Loki (Hidleston) comes to Earth in an effort to obtain an energy source that will ultimately make him ruler of all worlds, and give him what he rightfully is owed and what was taken from him by his "brother" Thor, power. Once chaos ensues the Director of international peacekeeping, Nick Fury (Jackson), then goes on a search to assemble a team powerful enough to stop this corruption from ending our world as we know it. This team is called the Avengers.

Let me start by saying that any expectations I had about this movie prior to it's commencement were completely and utterly smashed (pun intended on the Hulk's behalf). This movie not only had some of the best action sequences in a movie that I have ever seen, but it also had me crying laughing at many points in the movie. The script of this movie was spot on and perfectly blended the contrasting characters with nothing in common but good in their hearts to work together to achieve one goal. Every hero in this movie was just as important as the next, all though in some cases I felt some were robbed of screen time. The acting was great, the plot was great, for a superhero movie that is, and the action sequences were phenomenal. Now as we all know Robert Downey Jr. has comedic timing on lock, however half of the funniest things in this movie were non verbal. There were so many parts of this movie where the crowd was in hysterics but not because something was said, just things that were done. I loved how the writers of this movie gave Captain America the reigns and allowed him to instruct because that is honestly true to the comics. However, of all the characters in this movie the true standout to me was Mark Ruffalo as the Bruce Banner/The Hulk; I mean the guy is just phenomenal. He had so many mannerisms that fit the character of the Hulk so well that when I think back on the Incredible Hulk (2007), I feel that these mannerisms definitely should have been implemented there as well. Mark Ruffalo has a tremendous track record already as far as works of cinema, and this film will definitely add to that stature. Not only were the scenes just awesome whenever Bruce turned into the Hulk, but at sometimes they were some of the funniest scenes of the movie as you work towards the end.

I really enjoyed Hawkeye's (Renner) and Black Widows (Johanson) chemistry as well. They really worked well together and made an awesome duo when the situation called for it. Overall this film was a perfect blend of everything you want to see in a movie. Of course, Samuel L. Jackson did amazing as Nick Fury because number one it's Samuel L. Jackson, and number two because Nick Fury is Samuel L. Jackson. That is his character. Unfortunately I did not stay after the credits and even if I would have I wouldn't have told you what I saw. Just go see the movie I promise you will not regret it.

*It is crucial that you see Thor in order to understand what is going on, so if you haven't seen that, well may God have mercy on you as you are watching this and not understanding why anything is happening.

Thor, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk (2007), Iron Man, and Iron Man 2.


  1. Jam-packed full of action, humor, special effects, and superheroes, The Avengers is the perfect way to start off the Summer blockbuster season. I hope that Whedon returns for the sequel that they're talking about doing, but then again, it may be another 4 years until we get to see that again. Nice review D. I wonder what will be a bigger flick this Summer: this or The Dark Knight Rises? Can't wait to see that one either!

  2. Yeah no doubt! And I love Whedon and every movie he writes. You're right it will probably be a long time in production but it will be worth the wait. Honestly I think the dark knight rises will come out on top, it has too much hype to it not to! Haha

  3. Yea dude, Im diggin it. I like it so far! keep up the great work!
