Monday, June 11, 2012

Promethius review

Promethius- 2012

Length: 2 hr. 4 min
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller

Michael Fassbender
Charlize Theron
Logan Marshall-Green
Guy Pearce
Idris Elba
Noomi Rapace

Grade: B-

Would I buy: No


As most of you know this film is, or is set up to be based on the trailer, a prequel to the classic 1979 horror Alien directed by Ridley Scott. This film is essentially about a team of explorers who follow mythology and want to find the origins of humanity, and are quite sure that they have found a planet with a life form on it. Needless to say, they get a little curious and decide to go check it out. However what they find is not at all what they wanted to find, and what they found as our beggining, as the tagline says, could be our end.

Let me first start off by saying that I have read many reviews about this film before and after watching it, and I disagree with all of them that state this film was boring and/or a film with a glorified trailer. While it does take a while to get started into the actual exploration and findings, once the intensity is started it does not stop. One thing to credit to this movie if anything is that it will definitely grab your attention and have you thinking about it way after the final frame. Do not listen to people saying otherwise, please. Also there are many reviews out there saying that this is NOT a prequel, and they could not be any more wrong. Without giving spoilers I just want to let everyone know that the planet that Promethius is set on and the one that Alien and Aliens is set on are different, however once you watch this film, especially the end, and if you remember anything about Alien you will definitely see how these are indeed related.

As I'm sure most of you have picked up on I am huge on acting in a movie. Every single character in this movie was phenomenal in my opinion. The true standouts to me were of course, Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba, and also Logan Marshall-Green. Every frame these characters were in just showed how truly great they are, and how dedicated they are to the roles they play.

Though this film was great it does not go without flaws. There was one scene that I will not describe in detail, however it was just horrifically unrealistic even for a sci fi movie. Surgery is all I will say. Also I just love how in movies being made today people who are supposed to be the smartest people in the world make dumber desicions than I would in certain situations. They make characters just stupid sometimes, and it really just aggravates me. Other than that I did enjoy this movie and I reccomend to see it in 3-D. It is worth the cost of the ticket and you will enjoy yourself!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman/ Promethius

I apologize for the delay on reviews but nonetheless here are 2 reviews!

Snow White and the Huntsman- 2012

Length: 2 hr. 7 min
Genre: Action/Adventure

Kristen Stewart
Chris Hemsworth
Charlize Theron
Sam Claffin

Grade: B

Would I buy: No


This version of the classic fairy tale story of Snow White definitely has a darker tone than any other version to date. This version is about an evil queen (played by an amazing Theron) who is adament about being the fairest of all people and ruling for all eternity without ever aging a bit. However, the problem lies whenever she finds out that the only one who is fairer than she is Snow White (Stewart). In an attempt to take her heart Snow White is able to escape into the wilderness after being locked away for years. Intent on finding her the evil queen acquires the skills of a widowed huntsman (Hemsworth) to track her down and bring her back. What starts off as a man hunt essentially becomes an alliance of trust between the two, however the queen will stop at nothing to get Snow Whites heart and reign forever.

There are many credits to be given to this film, primarily the acting by Charlize Theron as the evil queen, and also the ability of this movie to maintain a constant theme. From the second this movie starts you just feel the dark mood and sense of fear to be given to the queen which is something that many films fail to do. It legitimately made you fear what she would do next, and in all actuality made you sympathetic for Snow White. Now, to add on to the acting critique, contrary to what you may think Kristen Stewart actually didn't do bad as Snow White because honestly the script for Snow White definitely complimented Stewart's acting "abilities". Chris Hemsworth always does a great job in my opinion and he definitely fit the role of the huntsman.

My only gripe about the film was that I felt it was oddly paced. Although the mood stayed consistent, the script made it difficult sometimes to maintain the feeling of sympathy at certain points. There were at least two instances in the film where I thought they were trying to make you sympathetic about something you couldn't due to poor character developement. Also it was hard for me to choose which of the two men I wanted her to love because they both had redeeming qaulities in each, and I wish that it would have been clear cut who it was. Other than that I thought the movie was very good and I recommend it to everyone to at least give it a shot. It didn't blow me away, however I definitely thought it was about average.